Template system for WordPress Visual Editor

Create a template

You can create a template like Posts or so.

And you can insert a template as shortcode like following.

[template id="xxxx"]

Click and Open Templates list

Please click a "Insert Template" then you will see pop-up.

Insert a Template

Select a template and click OK to insert template.

If you would check a "Insert as Shortcode." it will insert a shortcode in the visual editor, so you can update in a lump.

Fully unit-tested

TinyMCE Templates is fully unit-tested. The plugin is stable and ready to be used in large projects like enterprise applications.

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Shortcode Add-On

How it works.

  • Create a template with custom variables like `{$title}`.
  • Select a template and insert to the post or page.
  • Edit the shortcode like `[template id="xxxx" title="Hello"]`.